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Thursday 3 March 2011


On Tuesday Lucy Brown, Rebecca Jackson and Chloe Charlesworth were working at Summer Lane Primary School. They were using their dance expertise to teach primary school pupils the waltz.

I think it's brilliant that they are able to pass on their skills to younger children and help them to enjoy dancing. The girls did such a great job they have been asked to go back in 2 weeks to teach again.

Well done Lucy, Becky and Chloe - you are a credit to the form!

Miss Winterburn

Mothers Day Assembly - 7Q

On Thursday 31st March 7Q will be performing their assembly. The theme will be Mother's Day and 7Q have kindly offered invites to any mothers and grandmothers wishing to attend this spectacle. Dad's, step-dads and step-mums and grandads are also very welcome!

Please could pupils ask their families if they would like to attend. Parents, if you wish to attend but your child has not yet invited you then please pop a note in their planner and I will pass on your response.

Thank you

Miss Winterburn

Friday 18 February 2011



Hi Guys,

Hope you're enjoying the first day of half term - I'm in school still while you're probably watching Jezza Kyle! Thanks for putting all your comments on the blog - they made me smile! Can't believe our lovable grump Joe T is being so positive! I forgot to enable comments on the reflections page - APOLOGIES! Please can you add new comments to the reflections page.

Merci beaucoup mes amis!

Miss Winterburn

Tuesday 15 February 2011


What a fantastically talented form group! I love seeing them perform in afternoon registration - it puts me in a brilliant mood for period D!

I've posted these videos of Joe singing and also Georgia, Lexi, Becky, Chloe, Lucy and Lauren dancing, more OUTSTANDING performances coming soon!
Thank you for entertaining us all in registration

Well done you MEGA-STARS!!!

Miss Winterburn xx

p.s. Check out all the talented dancers and pretend trombone players in the audience!

Wednesday 2 February 2011



On Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th of February Kingstone School will host a performing arts 'spectacular'.

Pupils have been working very hard to bring together a medley of outstanding talent! The show will feature dance, the debut performance by the school Glee Club and songs from Broadway shows including Les Miserables, Wicked and Hairspray!

I am going to Friday night performance - I can't wait! 

Please come along to support the talent from 7L, the show starts at 7pm and tickets are available from Mrs. Micklethwaite for £4. 

Holocaust Memorial Day 2011

Holocaust Memorial Day 2011

We had a whole school 'development day' on Thursday 27th January where the school timetable is suspended so each year group can focus on a particular theme or activity. Year 7 were marking Holocaust Memorial Day. We stayed together as a form all day and learnt about and discussed the atrocious events that took place during WWII and other genocides that have occurred since. 7L worked incredibly hard all day and made sensible and sensitive comments. The day ended with an excellent assembly that 20 Year 7s had created with Mrs. Rhodes - Lauren Morris and Joe Brown represented 7L and were fantastic!

I am very proud of 7L and I am really looking forward to the next development day.

Miss Winterburn 

Friday 14 January 2011

100% Attendance!!!

Massive 'well done' to the pupils in 7L who achieved 100% attendance during their first term at Kingstone.

You are absolute SUPER STARS and a credit to the form!

100% Attendance:

James Haigh
Lucy Frost
George Evans
Joseph Treanor
Lauren Morris
Katie Tucker
Rebecca Jackson